Survivor Series: Jennifer Buggs

Throughout the month of October, I’ve been interviewing women that have survived Breast Cancer or Domestic Violence.  Our first featured SURVIVOR is Jennifer Buggs.  Here is her story:

IHTG: What is your job title/business?

Jennifer:  Payroll Administrator.

IHTG: In what year were you diagnosed?

Jennifer:  2007, when I was 24.

IHTG: Take us back to that day, how did you take the initial diagnosis?

Jennifer:  My initial reaction was disbelief and fear… for 2 years doctors were telling me it was just a blocked milk duct, but to find out it was cancer was terrifying. My grandmother died of breast cancer and that was all I knew about it. I was given my diagnosis on September 18, the day before my family and I were scheduled to take family photos for my parents’ 25th wedding anniversary. Everyone wanted to reschedule because of my diagnosis but me, not knowing what my outcome would be, I wanted to have the pictures as memories.

IHTG: When did you decide to fight and not succumb to the disease?

Jennifer:  The day that I was given my options of treatments I knew that I would fight until I didn’t have any fight left. My daughter was only 4 at the time and I wanted to see her grow up and become a woman and be able to take care of herself.

IHTG: What were some of the things you did to keep you motivated throughout the process?

Jennifer:  My daughter was my ultimate motivation, in her 4 years she had been through so much. She was born at 27 weeks, weighing only 2.9lbs before she was even 2 weeks old she had already had 2 major surgeries. On the days I wanted to give up I thought about how I watched her fight for 3 months in the hospital to be here in my life so there was no way I wouldn’t fight to stay in hers. My faith in God kept me going as well, I knew that there was a reason for what I was going through, I just had to be patient and watch God work.

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IHTG: Tell us about the emotions you faced during your battle.

Jennifer:  I experienced every emotion possible at times; I am naturally an emotional person so when I had my double mastectomy I cried for weeks, I felt less of a woman. I feared the unknown of what chemo would do to me and if it would even be effective…but that was on my worst days. I was blessed to have an amazing support system and they never left my side throughout the entire journey and they kept my spirits lifted. Even on days when I wanted to just have pity parties I just couldn’t do it because my situation could have been worse. God was blessing me so who was I to complain.

IHTG: How has your outlook on life changed?

Jennifer:  I appreciate the people in my life more, they were my biggest supporters and they showed me genuine love even when times were difficult. I now look for the positive in every situation because going through things only make you realize how strong you are when you make it out.

IHTG: What brings you joy?

Jennifer:  My family is the center of my life, I have a huge family and we are all very close. I truly enjoy being able to spend time with them and watching my daughter grow into an amazing young lady, she is now 11. I love doing things with and for my parents, the older I get the more I appreciate and realize the sacrifices they made as parents and being able to give them back an ounce of what they have given me over the years is a blessing.

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IHTG: What would you like people to know about Breast Cancer?

Jennifer:  Breast Cancer is a disease that not only affects the individual but family and friends as well, for the rest of their lives. Breast cancer is scary and is a life changing experience that I feel can sometimes be overshadowed with all the pink in October.  I support all things Breast Cancer and I am very thankful to be able to say that I am a 6 year survivor but it seems as of late people have lost sight of what Breast Cancer awareness month truly means. To be honest some of these Breast Cancer logos and t- shirts can sometimes can be hurtful and insensitive to someone who has gone through the experience.

IHTG:  What would you like your legacy to be?

Jennifer:  I loved without restraint and I lived each day striving to be better than the day before and positive thinking creates positive outcomes. That faith, compassion, love and prayer can help you overcome anything placed in your path.

2 thoughts on “Survivor Series: Jennifer Buggs”

  1. I am so blessed to witness this transparency. This young,beautiful soul is my best friend. I thank God for his healing power, grace, and strength. You are no doubt a survivor, but not just of breast cancer; you have survived through the statistics of your life circumstances. I’m proud of you. I love you!

  2. Mazshelie' Cunningham

    I can say Ms. Jennifer is not only a co-worker of mine, but a friend of mine. The first day we met was through a IM message, which was the same day I gained a close friend. Me & Jen talked & come to find out I could relate to her story, having to hear her story & telling her about my mom that passed away from breast cancer was crazy. Jen is a strong, smart, fierce woman, & I am so glad to have her in my life. We might be miles away from each other, but we connect. I love you Jen baby. We serve an Amazing God, & I am thankful to him for putting you right on in my life.

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