hyperbaric chamber therapy

Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy: Yes, It’s Something Black Folks Do!

Ok, I know what you’re saying. The only thing we’ve ever heard about hyperbaric chamber therapy was on the front page of the Enquirer magazine at the grocery store. Where we saw images of Michael Jackson similar to that of a sci-fi movie.

Although the images were awkward and foreign to us, Michael wasn’t wacko as they tried their best to make us believe. He was utilizing a normal scientific and holistic treatment to help him with his ailments.

Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy
Michael in 1986

Alex Williams is the founder and CEO of Holistic Hyperbarics. Having spent her professional life focused on health and wellness, Alex brings a unique combination of medical skills and exceptional customer service to Holistic Hyperbarics.

What is Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a treatment for a number of often serious conditions that involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The pressurization allows for greater oxygen absorption in the body and hyperoxygenates the blood plasma in ways other treatments cannot. As your blood carries the oxygen throughout your body, it helps fight bacteria and stimulates the release of growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.

Representation Matters

Alex Williams is the only Black woman owner of a hyperbaric oxygen therapy clinic, Holistic Hyperbarics, in the entire country! Williams is dedicated to giving back to her Oakland community by helping subsidize this life-changing treatment for those who may not be able to afford it otherwise. She’s bringing an inaccessible treatment that has cured deafness, infertility, traumatic brain injuries and so much more, generally only found in hospitals for the everyday use of all people. 

Her visual representation is powerful, as it allows some other black girl to consider entering the field. When I viewed the website, it felt great seeing images that look like me taking part in this therapy. My cousin takes her 84-year-old father to hyperbaric oxygen treatments and when she first posted about it on her Facebook, people thought she was crazy. The more she posted about his treatments, the more questions people had and interest in trying it for themselves.

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When you’re not used to seeing something, it looks weird to you. But hyperbaric chamber therapy is as common as it gets. It just hasn’t been accessible to the commoners…until now. And for that, we have Alex Williams to thank.

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