An Old Age Secret to Combat Painful Periods

For many of my sisters, we dread our monthly cycle.  I for one, would go into a mild depression as mine neared.  The pain is just way too much to bear.  I’ve been to doctor after doctor and they all have no real answer as to why I have felt as if my body was ripping away from itself every month since the age of 11.

It interferes with my life drastically.  I’m usually bed-ridden for at least 2-3 days, anti-social, and unproductive.  I hate how that one week of each month literally is wasted.  I tried birth control and it helped for a while.  When I got married, I stopped taking birth control, and the pain was still tolerable.  However, after turning 35, the pain returned.  I tried birth control again last year, and again, it eased my pain.  February of this year, I suffered a bilateral pulmonary embolism, due in part to blood clots caused by birth control.

stomach_painSo I was now back at square one.  I am at high risk for blood clots, so birth control is no longer an option for me.  While recovering from my PE, I talked to my best friend about how the fear of the next month’s cycle was weighing on me.  We prayed that it would be easier and not as painful.  When my cycle rolled around, it was the most painful one I had experienced in quite some time.  Of course being on anticoagulants, severely anemic, and unable to take ibruprofen or aspirin throughout the entire miserable week, only contributed to my pain.  I missed work for the week and was locked in my room for three days.

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I talked to my mom about what I was going through and she mentioned an old remedy her grandmother had given her.  It was called Lydia Pinkham.  This herbal tonic was concocted back in 1824!  She told me she took it for her bad menstrual cramps and took it again when she was going through menopause.  However, she didn’t think they made it anymore as she no longer saw it available in stores.  I pulled out my iPad and went to Amazon to search out this elusive Lydia Pinkham tonic.  Low and behold, I found it on Amazon, available for only $9!!!  I immediately purchased a bottle.

I talked to my doctor before taking it, to ensure that it wouldn’t interfere with the medications I was already on for my PE recovery.  He assured me there was no harm in taking the Lydia Pinkham tonic, as it is made of 100% natural 13071736_10153325548376377_7049337884477184616_oherbs.  I began taking the tonic at the onset of my next cycle.  You take it three times a day, and I was waiting for the pain to kick in.  Incredibly, I felt no pain on day one and by day two, I had only experience mild cramping.  It was just too good to be true!!  I went from a level 10 pain to level 2, just like that!

This month, I switched from the tonic to the tablet form of the Lydia Pinkham remedy.  I enjoyed the same results and can happily say that I have found my cure for painful and debilitating menstrual cramps.  I’ve been screaming from the mountaintops about this amazing all-natural supplement.  Women have always known what was best for their bodies and Lydia Pinkham created this tonic after suffering herself.  It has truly given me a new lease on life in which I don’t have to fear the coming month cycle.

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Just wanted to share this with those who may be going through the same struggle.  I talk to women all the time who dread their cycle and endure such horrendous pain.  If you do try it, please let me know if it worked for you!!  I’d love to hear your story.  What other remedies have you found to help you?  Leave it in the comments below, you never know who you’re helping!

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