Women That Rock- Sheena Player

Is R&B music dead? This is the question I have to ask you guys this week.  I recently asked myself the same question.  After doing my weekly research to find the next “Women that Rocks” feature, by searching several online music magazines, I discovered there’s a growing shortage of what I would classify as true musicians.  Wait, let me explain my thought process. First of all, I’m pretty sure that there are qualified R&B artists, but I’m just saying sometimes it’s like you have to move heaven and earth before you can even scratch the surface, If you don’t believe me just try to google R&B Indie women and the results show our white sisters singing over hardcore funky, hip hop driven beats. I guess it’s safe to say that this is just another result from the tanning of America. There’s nothing wrong with this picture, I’m just a little worried that we may be losing ground in my beloved genre of music.

Well despite all of my concerns, I was able to uncover yet another special treat for you guys. Her name is “Sheena Player”, the Inglewood, Ca. native is best known as a great songwriter as well as performer.  I discovered this gifted artist from a song that was featured on Bet’s hit tv show” Being Mary Jane”.  The song is entitled ” You can go”.  Instantly, I was moved to uncover more from this fresh new artist, that’s also when I discovered that the artist has been on her grind for quite some time now. Once again, this is what I believe is some wrong with the current state of  radio.

See also  Women That Rock LIVE featuring Zoe Clarke

A talent like Sheena, can get a break using radio like you once could back in the day. Why, you ask. It’s because for one thing, there’s not a viable media outlet for these artists. Let’s take a closer look into the issue. Currently mainstream media markets are geared solely to hiphop artists and what they classify as Hiphop is better much the same five artists being spun throughout the day.  Lately, I’ve noticed a shift in the music that is being incorporated and the shows like Being Mary Jane and others are indeed looking outside of the box to gather untapped artists. This makes my heart sing. Sheena’s artistry can be compared to some of the elders that have paved the way. You can truly hear the creativity and passion that eludes from her works. Her vocal ability is very rich and soulful in her delivery of the song. After listening to that one song I was hooked. I immediately wanted more from this amazing artist.

I found that she has an EP entitled “As heard on Tv”. The album is a combination of carefully written stories and experiences set to smoothed out sexy vibes, by far a real nice body of work from the fresh talent. So, if you guys are in need of a break from what’s being played constantly on the airways. Then, have I got the album for you. Remember, support these extremely talented artists and start making noise to get these artists played on your local radio stations. Remember, we have the power to change we’re being feed thru the airways.


Leslie A. Thomas is a music blogger and lover of all things music follow me on Twitter @lboogie252005

See also  Women That Rock: Vivian Green
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