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What is Life Advice?

Ín the book “I Hear that Girl!, Life Advice For Every Sista”, the author Kimberly “Isis” Thomas dives into the ever present thought of putting God first as you live Your life. The author eloquently takes you through the steps of self-evaluation for the young woman to limit potential disconcerting encounters in life and even the more experience person to take a deep self-evaluation and begin the healing process. Yes, I said person. Although this book is written for women the concepts are universal.

As you move through life always listen to the inner still voice that God puts in each individual. Love yourself enough to not make the easy and usually wrong choice. You are accountable for who you allow into your life, accountable in how you respond, accountable in how you project. Are you building worthwhile relationships or are you just holding on? Clarity will help you put life and its situations and encounters into proper perspective. If you are living the life that is not meant for you, if you are wondering why you are lonely even when you are not alone, if you are not happy and satisfied in your life, in your career, in your circumstances then it is time to break the mold. As you do so, you will feel empowered to reclaim your life. In doing so, you will even feel empowered and strengthened in removing the drainers and surrounding yourself with feeders. Then you will start pushing past the pain and really get to know your value. Once you know your value and understand that nurturing has its place but sometime you have to put your chisel down.

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The author navigates through the subject matters with ease. As you read each chapter, you find yourself assessing your life story. The scriptures are adequately placed as to not be overbearing in religious overtone but yet enough to know that through God’s direction in your life his Word can manifest and you will be the living testimony of a Godly life.

the time is now!

Mindset is everything

You can conquer your mind if you know "WHY" it is the way it is. Reviewing the experiences of your life and looking under the rug is the first step of mindset change.

face your fears

Most often, our hugest obstacles in life are our fears. Our fears have a root. By peeling back the layers, you will see the root, attack it, and get your power back! Are you ready?

get centered

The concept of "Life Advice" teaches us how to truly focus and listen to the Creator. Meditation is a must for your spiritual and physical clarity.

build your confidence

"Life Advice" gives you a mirror to see yourself for who you truly are. Your experiences, be it good or bad, can be used to increase your confidence. We teach you how.

develop self worth

My wish is that you will see your truest potential. The universe is always showing you your purpose. "Life Advice" gives you the necessary tools to reveal it for yourself! Do you want to know your purpose?

Know Your Value

As women, we naturally give so much of ourselves and sometimes forget about self-care. We allow ourselves to be used by drainers, and expend our valuable energy on unworthy relationships. "Life Advice" helps you take your power back!

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what readers are saying...

"Ladies, this book is a must have! She dug deep into the issues of the female heart without all the cliche` rhetoric of today's Christian inspirational reading. It was more like a session of girl talk with my closest sister girls covered in accountability, transparency, support, and love."
Kenya Winfrey
"The last chapter had me in tears...thank you for sharing... it will open your eyes... it opened mine."
Kimberly Brooks
"This book is real! Any woman can relate to what she has been through. Each chapter will help you understand how and why you must make spiritual and mental sacrifices. Not only for yourself but for those around you . It helped me become comfortable with change, which so many of us fear. Each page reveals hope for a better you. It's a guide to a prosperous and evolving lifestyle."
Tiffany Skinner
"“I Hear that Girl!, Life Advice For Every Sista” is a must read for every woman, from teenager to mature adults. This book is a perfect read for any youth group, young adult group, women’s ministry, or support groups. Love Thyself before you can love others!"
Annette Thurmond

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