Survivor Series: Kim McKelvy

Throughout the month of October, I’ve been interviewing women that have survived Breast Cancer or Domestic Violence.  Our next featured SURVIVOR is Kim McKelvy.  Here is her story:

IHTG:  What is your job title/business?

Kim:  Dietary Tech @ Hospital

IHTG:  In what year were you diagnosed?

Kim:  2013, I was 51 and I was diagnosed right before my 52nd birthday.

IHTG:  Take us back to that day, how did you take the initial diagnosis?

Kim:  I felt horrible. I took the initial diagnosis as a death sentence. You know when you hear the word cancer, you automatically think of death. My mother passed away of Ovarian Cancer in 2004 and my sister is also a breast cancer survivor. I witnessed their walk with cancer. I just saw my life diminish before my eyes. That’s the worst news anybody would want to receive. I called my daughter immediately after I left the doctor’s office to give her the news and we just cried on the phone together. One thing she said was “It’s going to be okay Mama, God got you, you will NOT lose this battle”, at that time I was like no, this thing is going to remove me out of this world.

IHTG:  When did you decide to fight and not succumb to the disease?

Kim:  My daughter has been a strong believer in the Lord and was always in my ear encouraging me. The question WHY AND WHATS started to play over and over in my mind. WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? WHAT DID I NOT DO RIGHT? WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED? At first I lost my Faith and ALL hope. After about 2 to 3 months, after I went through all the changes and emotions, after it all sunk in…I got up one day and my grandbabies and my daughter were all I could think about and I stood up and said “It’s time to fight! This cancer is NOT going to take me out like this. I am a FIGHTER and I am STRONGER than this!  So that’s what I began to do, with a smile on my face. My Faith in God got stronger and there was so much hope that I was going to survive.

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IHTG:  What were some of the things you did to keep you motivated throughout the process?

Kim:  My daughter was…well is my rock. It didn’t matter what time of day or night it was, I could call her and vent and she would listen and encourage me no matter what I had to say. She would send me scriptures every day and tell me that I would overcome and she would claim my victory and made sure I declared that over my life. She told me that my test would be my testimony. There were times she would post stuff about my situation on Facebook and at first I was mad because I was embarrassed….but when I tell you that over 100 people commented on there with nothing but encouraging words and prayers and positive spoken words over my life…that gave me confidence and motivated me even more to FIGHT. After that I would take pictures of myself at my Chemotherapy sessions and tell people what was going on. My God, the comments just filled my heart with joy. I never knew so many people cared, so many people were on MY side. The best motivation ever! I also had friends and family that would call me and pray with me!

IHTG:  Tell us about the emotions you faced during your battle.

Kim:  Ohhh my… every emotion possible runs through you. I cried more than I ever cried in my life, I felt a lot of hatred, I wanted to hide from the world because I was so embarrassed. Then things started to shift and I felt inspired, my Spiritual man became stronger and I wasn’t going to give in, I had a desire to FIGHT. God filled me with joy, love, hope, all of His fruits. I can say I am very blessed. I still feel like I am trying to win but my daughter always corrects me and tells me to SPEAK VICTORY INTO MY LIFE, therefore…I CLAIM IT!! There is power in the tongue and you have to speak positive things in your own life to get positive results.

IHTG:  How has your outlook on life changed?

Kim:  My God, I don’t take NOTHING for granted. I can say that this has changed my life being that God has given me another chance and I’m so grateful. I am way more outspoken and instead of procrastinating about doing things…I just do it! I can say that I am very cautious about a lot of things I do or even eat. Tomorrow is not promised so I live each day as if it’s my last, live life to the fullest.

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IHTG:  What brings you joy?

Kim:  First and foremost GOD! My family plays a MAJOR role in my life. Every time I hear my daughter’s voice or my grandbabies voices, my heart overflows with joy. What truly brings me so much joy that I could burst is knowing that my mother and my little brother are in Heaven still watching over me!!

IHTG:  What would you like people to know about Breast Cancer?

Kim:  Breast Cancer is NO JOKE. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you to please go get checked MONTHLY. Young people need to educate themselves on how to check themselves on a regular basis and also know what they are feeling for and how to tell if something is not right. First you have to get to know your body. I PRAY you never feel anything out of the ordinary. I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy. Please DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. The sooner the better chance you will have. Always, always, always take care of yourself.

IHTG:  What would you like your legacy to be?

Kim:  I would want people to remember me as a FIGHTER. I never settled with what the doctor’s told me. As of today, the doctor’s think I should quit working and live off of the Government but I refuse. They say that’s the new way of living but coming up, I had to work for the things I wanted. It was never handed to me. Why stop now? That’s not me, I can’t sit around and depend on others to take care of me. I choose to be independent! I am a fighter and not a quitter. I want to be known as a fighter, a warrior for Christ, a soldier in the Kingdom, a Servant of God. I want people to always remember that I NEVER gave up, I trusted God in all that I faced and I still stand on His word. I WON THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER. I’M A SURVIVOR!! God bless you all!

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