How a bottle of nail polish helped me reclaim my life!

Today is national nail polish day.  Yes, it’s a real day, lol.  I am such a nail polish freak.  And many women take the practice of painting our nails for granted.  It does much more for us than we really think.

For me, nail polish helped me through a devastating time in my life.  I had just separated from my husband.  I was living in my mom’s living room, and I had 18 cents to my name.  I was a victim of financial abuse in my marriage and when I left, the life I was so accustomed to (at one point, I was making six figures) was no more.  I was adamant that I could reclaim my place financially.  I just needed time to rebound.


If you’ve ever been through a divorce or know someone that has, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.  It takes time to come back from a divorce.  Your life is turned upside down.  Self-care has always been a thing for me, with monthly massages and weekly mani/pedi’s, I made sure to take care of myself… physically.  Inside, I was falling apart.  And it wasn’t until I couldn’t afford more than a bottle of .99 cent drugstore nail polish when I learned how to take care of the inside.

I remember, I was working a part-time job from home and my paycheck really wasn’t a quarter of what I made before.  However, this job afforded me the freedom to pursue building my media outlet, I Hear That Girl!.  This particular payday, I wanted to do something for me, but I knew that I could not afford a manicure or pedicure.  What I could afford, however, was a bottle of nail polish.  I bought a bright pink lacquer.  I can’t remember the brand, but I was excited to take the time to do my own mani/pedi.

See also  Fall DIY Foot Scrub

When I got home, I pulled out a pan and filled it with warm water.  I soaked my feet and immediately began to destress.  Taking the time to care for myself (literally), caused me to have a moment of peace, silence, and encourage myself.  Painting my nails that bright pink color put a vibrancy back into a once colorful woman.  I realized that I had allowed what I was going through to take away my light.  Each paint stroke revitalized me.  When I was done, I looked at my hands and smiled.  I would get through this, and I would be better than I was before.

Each payday thereafter, I would visit a beauty store and purchase a new bottle of nail polish and pick the color based on how I wanted to feel for the week.  I always felt like a million bucks even though my bank account was far from that, lol.  It’s the little things that can help you see what life is really about.  And I found so much love in a bottle of nail polish.  So yes, I am celebrating national nail polish day!  I’m painting my nails today and remembering who I am and what I am capable of!  If you’re feeling down sis, I just recommend taking a little time to paint your nails.  I can’t say you’ll have a revelation like I did, but I believe you’ll experience a moment of true self-care.  And we all need that.

Are you a nail polish fan?  Let me know in the comments below and share your self-care practices.  I look forward to hearing from you guys…

Peace & Blessings…

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