Life Changing Act Like A Success Seminar with Steve Harvey, Lisa Nichols & Others

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Life Changing Act Like A Success Seminar with Steve Harvey, Lisa Nichols & Others

On yesterday I had the honor of being apart of the media team for the 2014 Neighborhood Awards formerly known as the Hoodie Awards. This was the first year that it has been hosted here in Atlanta. An event of this magnitude brings in a huge crowd from all over the world. The Act Like A Success Seminar was sponsored by Morgan Stanley and Ford. I watched in amazement as people began to fill the ballroom to attend this seminar. Since this was my first time I had no idea what to expect because I had never attended any session with Steve Harvey or Lisa Nichols let alone both of them but boy. oh boy was I in for a treat, in fact a life changing experience.


Jeff Johnson graced the stage to drop some golden nuggets into the crowd that gathered in attendance of the Act Like A Success seminar. Jeff spoke about getting to the next level. He stated “Just as you do for others, you need to do the same for yourself in a way you’ve never done it before”. Here are his nuggets:

  1. Be Prepared to go to the Next Level
  2. Be Open to Receive
  3. Invest in Yourself More

We also learned from the Morgan Stanley the following life rules for financial independence:

  1. You can not succeed if you do nothing.
  2. Save First, Spend Second
  3. Save 10% of your Income
  4. Is it a Want vs. Need
  5. Pay Yourself First, It adds up
  6. What are you willing to give up to achieve your financial goals?


Patrice Washington, author of Real Money Answers was a breath of fresh air. I have had the honor of hearing her on air and it’s always a learning tree moment. She takes you from her earning seven figures to zero figures. Her real life experiences will amaze, shock and educate you! She is indeed the business! I admire her story and the fact that she has no problem with sharing it with the world so that you can prevent the things that happened to her from happening to you. If you don’t have her book then you better run out and get it! She taught us these key learning tree lessons:

  1. Abandon the Blame & Shame!
  2. Access the right Education
  3. Be Deliberate about Taking Actions Now!
  4. Wisdom starts Now!
See also  Neighborhood Awards 2014- Cupid

And if you don’t take anything else away from my post know this! Patrice says “A DUMB BOOK IS BETTER THAN A PERFECT BOOK”.



Steve Harvey and Lisa Nichols did a tag team seminar. Trust me if you missed it than you really missed it. These two spoke about how they got started. See many people only want to hear the end success story not the struggle. Did you know that Steve didn’t get his break until after he was in his thirty’s? Did you know that Lisa didn’t have enough money to withdraw twenty dollars out of her account to purchase her son Pampers? See these two World-Renown people who you listen to daily and see all over the media both struggled. Steve shared his bathroom real life living with us and how when he was just about to call his father for help how GOD showed up and showed out! Yes! Real talk this man has been through it worst than some of us. How Lisa’s motivation is 1142! That’s all that was in her account that day when she went to try to withdraw $20 to purchase Pampers. Yesterday was life changing for me and so many others in the room. I received an extra much-needed boost of confidence and motivation to go to the next level. See on yesterday I was there to cover the event but God knew that I needed to hear all of these amazing speakers. As I stated earlier it was life changing and I pray that my post at least gives you the same boost that I received on yesterday in the Act Like A Success Seminar. Here are the collective GOLDEN NUGGETS that both Steve Harvey and Lisa Nichols shared on yesterday:

  1. Tap into your Non-Negotiable
  2. Everybody has something in them from birth..A Dream/Vision
  3. God is in the Blessing Business!!
  4. If you’re in HELL why would you stop working towards your goal/dream.
  5. How can your dream not be meant to be?
  6. Always answer YES YES with confidence!
  7. You must take ACTION!
  8. What’s your story?
  10. The best opportunity is at the end of FEAR!
  11. Invest in learning
  12. Commit to LEARNING & GREATNESS
  13. You have to DREAM BIG enough that you SCARE yourself!
  14. Be willing to take RISK even when it seems crazy!
  16. Are you taking risk to make it happen?
See also  Financial Snobb Campaign kicks off in Atlanta!

I pray that this post will be a blessing to someone reading it and motivate you to continue to invest, take risk and work towards your dream!

I thank Jeff Johnson, Patrice Washington, Lisa Nichols & Steve Harvey for being a blessing to my entrepreneur spirit on yesterday and after following their instructions on taking a picture of my life and mapping out where I want to be in a few year I decree that I will be on the panel with them sharing my nuggets with the world!

~Turkesha “Naturalbabydol” McIvy | Instagram:  @naturalbabydol1

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