Finding Balance: Distinguishing Between Self-Care and Laziness

Doing nothing sounds nice but many of us can’t bring ourselves to do it.  Why?  We live in a multi-tasking, hustle-hard, and team-no-sleep culture. That’s part of the reason “self-care” has become such a buzzword nowadays. And for us women, we give so much of ourselves to others so often that guilt follows whenever we take a little time for ourselves.

It’s important to do nothing.  Allow yourself the time to reset. Anxiety festers when you don’t allow yourself this downtime.  You are a living being, and with all the trappings that hijack our day, your mind never really gets a moment to rest. 

Because of that, you should do all you can to give it as little processing time as possible such as (I enjoy cartoons or something easy to watch like Babysitters Club) good tv, a book you’ve already read, etc.  These things will give your mind less need to go to “work”.  If you like a day off, what do you think your mind needs?

Ultimately, what you won’t give yourself, your body will take.  I found out the hard way that sluggishness and fatigue are all warning signs from the body. 

When I decided to give way to the fatigue (and address the real problem of anemia) my body was able to recover and now I enjoy an amazing natural energy boost.

Pay attention to your body sis, and don’t feel guilty for taking a nap. You’re not lazy, your body needs to rest. After all, you deserve it.

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