“We did it Joe, we did it”…….. we survived yet another Valentine’s Day. Partnered, single or #ItsComplicated, making it through the uber commercialized (said the single gal Jas) festivities should really be celebrated. In my Oprah voice “ you get a participation trophy, you get a participation trophy, you get a participation trophy.” Hey, it’s the small wins that count too!!
Often times we make the time to show love to others but do not extend that same consideration to ourselves. Let’s change that today and start a post-Valentine’s day beauty self-care ritual. Here’s a mini how-to on navigating post- Valentine’s Day love, on yourself.
The Nappy Bohemian
The sexy ambience of a candle instantly triggers the mind into relaxation mode. Couple the ambience of a candle and the sensual nature of body oil to and that’s the birth of The Nappy Bohemian.The creative genius behind The Nappy Bohemian, is a black woman name Tiffannie from Oakland, Ca., living her wildest dreams making sensual all natural body oil candle meant to relax the mind. The Nappy Bohemian is also a purchase you can feel good about because 5% of all shop purchases are donated to charities supporting Black people.
I don’t know about y’all but worry, stress and being overlooked yet again by not getting an Ivy Park PR box from Beyonce’n’dem are all keeping me up at night. Chile, I’m still distraught by that!!! In all seriousness, with so much going on in the world, stress shows up in our lives in many ways. The most recognizable way is in the skin on your face. When you are stressed your body produces higher amounts of cortisol which accelerates aging and wrinkles. While you are figuring out your stress triggers, here’s a proactive and reactive way to tackle those wrinkles. SeneGence Anti-Wrinkle Treatment is a great product to combat those physical lines and signs of stress.
I could give a list of products that would make you feel good about yourself, temporarily and help this issue or that issue but no beauty product that I could recommend would be better than simply treating yourself with empathy, compassion, love and putting…yourself…first. Setting your intentions to prioritize yourself first will always ensure your beauty.
In the great words of Alice Walker “Helped are those who are content to be themselves; they will never lack mystery in their lives and the joys of self-discovery will be constant.”
As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!