Toxic Alert: The Truth About How Self-Care Can Be Toxic

Toxic Alert: The Truth About How Self-Care Can Be Toxic

Self-care is toxic. Unfortunately the words “self” and “care” have become heavy on the “self” and barely offer any long-term sustainability on the “care”. I know at this point you’re like “Ok, here’s another stink think piece by an anti-happiness millennial.” That’s fair!

Self-care typically involves activities that are within the parameters of something that gives a person a good feeling. For instance, spa days, shopping, activities, alone time, a great meal etc., comes to mind. In an amazing TedTalk video, Assistant Professor of Public Health Portia Jackson- Preston talks about her positive self-care journey in managing stress and promoting wellbeing.

Self-care is selfish but for the most part, positive personal pleasure is a benefit to one’s life. It allows us to rejuvenate, reset and most importantly relax. Nothing wrong with that! Anything not in moderation can be disastrous however. As a result of being over indulgent in superficial self-care negative behaviors can arise.

We’ve all seen and heard people boosting about reneging on plans they’ve made with friends, choosing unhealthy foods or dodging phone calls all in the name of self- care. Disregarding interpersonal relationships and potentially fracturing relationships is not the answer.

When we give ourselves permission to disregard commitments or others feelings and blur the lines we are dishonoring the sacredness of care.

Just wanted to offer a little food for thought on how self-care can be toxic.  As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!

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