Episode 39: My Black Rage- Nearing the Boiling Point

In this episode, Isis discusses the mental dexterity of Black Americans and how this “coping mechanism” is weakening.  We discuss reactions to Netflix’s “When They See Us” and how they vary across the Diaspora.  Isis shares her Black PTSD story and how it relates to the story of the Central Park 5.  We also discuss tips on how to keep your Black Rage at bay.

Show Notes:
Tips for Coping

– Take “Black Days” for mental health

-Be educated on our history, but don’t re-traumatize yourself

-Talk about your feelings even when you don’t understand them.

-Open dialogue about injustice or microaggressions when you see it.

Episode 39: My Black Rage
See also  Episode 5: A Seat At The Table with Atima Omara
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