Waiting Game

Episode 1: The Waiting Game

Well gang, this is it!  I am finally able to release The Dope Black Chick podcast to you all!  This debut episode, The Waiting Game, talks about that trying period between the end and a new beginning.

You know that period between the divorce and the new life as a divorcee’?  The period between the end of a career and the start of the dream?

We’ve all been there, no matter the situation.  We’ve all found ourselves in that frustrating period and wondered, “WTF?!”  Yup.  I’ve been there, done that, and wanted to share with you what I learned in the process.


I hope that this episode will help someone who is in that period feel empowered.  I hope that it helps you accept the beauty of the period.  I hope that it reveals a piece of your dopeness…

Take a listen and let me know your thoughts in the comments below…

Are you ready?

See also  Episode 4: Jesus Take The Wheel
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