Business Besties

I Need Business Besties Brunch Puts Collaboration Over Competition

Over the past weekend, I was honored to speak at the I Need Business Besties Brunch in New Orleans.  After all the drama from the #SurvivingRKelly documentary, I needed this getaway to refocus my energy on my sisters.  As you know from following my blog, my sisters are my strength.  Our sense of sisterhood was boldly on display at this event.

The brunch was hosted by Michelby “Coco” Whitehead, owner of CocoCurator.  Held at New Orleans, Neyow’s Palace, the room was

Business Besties
Isis & Mia X at the I Need Business Besties Brunch

beautifully decorated and the food!  You could smell it from downstairs!  Attendees feasted on a delicious spread of brunch favorites like waffles, shrimp, eggs, etc.  The room was filled with beautiful sisters from all walks of life.  The thing we shared in common, was a need to come together for community, support, and aspirations.


I shared with the audience my tips for effective collaboration:

  • Every encounter is for a purpose.
  • Be CLEAR on what you would like the collaboration to look like.
  • Confidence garners genuine celebration.
  • Be observant to character versus stature.

There were tons of other great speakers that shared their expertise and stories of how they built their businesses.  Koeryelle Dubose was the keynote speaker, Mia X was on hand for the book signing for her latest work, “Things My Grandma Told Me, Things My Grandma Showed Me”.

I met so many amazing women at the I Need Business Besties Brunch and made some great connections.  I look forward to collaborating with these women in some capacity this 2019.  Collaboration is such an easy way for us to WIN!  Here’s a snippet of my presentation:

See also  Conversations- Nicole Garner




1 thought on “I Need Business Besties Brunch Puts Collaboration Over Competition”

  1. The R. Kelly stuff is everyyyywhere. I can imagine this brunch being a refreshing and rejuvenating reminder that we sistas at the end of the day are still powerful and are voices will be heard!

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