Black Women Equal Pay Day

Black Women Equal Pay Day Reveals That We Need to Set Our OWN Wages

Today is Black Women Equal Pay Day. This is a day set aside to become aware of the huge economic disparity for Black women. The numbers are disgusting. A Black woman finds herself making just 62 cents to every dollar a white man makes. And while this number is frustrating, know that it has historically been much worse. Women, in general, make significantly less than men. However, this day is necessary to note the difference even from within the gender. Black women’s earning inequality in corporate America is ridiculous!

In almost 10 years as Editor-in-Chief for I Hear That Girl! I have written my share of equal pay articles. I’ve seen my sisters make massive strides in the corporate world, entrepreneurship, entertainment, and politics. Yet, we are still facing insurmountable obstacles to building wealth for ourselves and our families. Why, in 2020, Black women are still seen as three-fifths a person? That’s what 62 cents is to a dollar. Three-fifths! How much harder do we have to fight to get a level playing field?

The numbers tell me this: No one will pay you your true value. Which is why it is extremely imperative that we learn to set the wage. By this, I mean, have an idea of where you want to be financially and build that wealth for yourself. You don’t build wealth on a job, you build wealth with a plan. It’s important that you begin to do more than imagine what a position can give you and instead imagine what you can do to get what you desire. Have a plan, sis. Multiple streams of income are vital. Often, we believe we can’t stretch enough to make them work for us, but that is a lie. I know way too many women who have created multiple streams of income for themselves and especially in times like these, they are grateful.

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What’s your plan to get what you know you deserve? Investments, starting a business, consulting, etc. The list goes on and on of ways that you can take the information, experience, and gifts that you possess as a Black woman and make it work for you.

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