Do you remember back in the 90’s growing up in church and “respectfully” chuckling with your sisters, friends or cousins at the elders on the mother board when their enormous hats flew off during a praise dance, revealing their obvious wigs? Oh c’mon you know you laughed too!!! For quite a while the thought of wearing a wig would jolt some of us back to those memories that would cause us to declare “ IM NEVER WEARING A WIG!”.
Well, it’s a new era and most hair beauty companies are manufacturing wigs that will melt into your hairline. UNCLOCKABLE SIS!!
The fall season is the best time to try wigs because we all know that the brutal drop in temperature impacts our beautiful locks and sometimes it’s difficult to keep up with moisturizing our hair when exposed to the elements. Wigs can be a protective style to reduce that exposure to the change in climate.
While wigs can be exciting and appealing here’s the caveat, wigs can be expensive and also if not installed properly they can be damaging to your edges so always remember to be kind to your own hair.
I always say I’m frugal Fran and truly believe that it shouldn’t cost a ton of money to participate in beauty and style. Synthetic units are my favorite because they are pocket friendly and allows me to try more styles. On my Youtube channel Jasmyne Flowers, I discussed four of my favorite affordable wigs from a few synthetic wig brands that I love, including Freetress Equal, Outre Melted Hairline and Mayde Beauty. The hair colors ranges from blonde to cinnamon to an ombre´ unit. The video explores the price points ( all units under $30.00), the construction of the wig cap, the color of the wig, any shedding or tangling issues and my overall opinions about the wig unit.
As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!