
Why You Mad, Molly? Insecure Season 4/ Episode 5 Recap

Well now! We are finally seeing the culmination of the tension between Molly & Issa. Honestly, I have sooo much to say about last night’s episode. When they were wobbling at the event, I breathed a sigh of relief and had high hopes for them to restore their friendship. But then…

Can I say again how much I am enjoying this season?! Issa is experiencing a moment of evolution and self-actualization. I love how this season is focusing on the issues of anxiety and imposter syndrome, etc that we all face at some point in our evolutionary journey. Issa is at the precipice of her biggest step to date (the block party). Mind you, this is a step that many of her friends didn’t really believe she’d follow through with. And that’s not because they aren’t good friends, but it’s because they are used to the “fly-by-night” Issa.

No one notices change until it is complete.

Kimberly “Isis” Thomas

Issa is evolving. Her friends can’t see it… yet. And honestly, Issa doesn’t really believe it herself. You can see her fighting to trust this new phase of her life. She’s questioning if she’s capable and clinging to Condola as a safety net along the way. It isn’t until the mixer that she really begins to think that she is capable. When we’re experiencing self-actualization, it can be scary. You become so unsure of yourself but at the same time, you know you can’t remain who you were.

Now, let’s talk about Molly. Molly is tripping! HARD! She’s used to things being structured. And the structure of their friendship has been Molly in the “rescue” slot for Issa time and time again. When Condola begins to take that spot and Issa’s newfound independence aka “getting her shit together”, Molly feels useless. I think this is why she always looks for a problem. Molly has, as I like to call it, Superhero Syndrome. She has to be the one to swoop in and save the day be it on the job, in her relationship with Andrew, and her friendship with Issa. It’s sad, because it seems like she doesn’t know what to do if she’s not in that role.

In this episode, Molly is clearly in the wrong. She flies off the handle with Issa over something that really shouldn’t have been an issue. Again, I believe she felt bad that she couldn’t take credit for Issa’s success. In a way, I want them to reconcile, but I’m beginning to think that they really just aren’t compatible for each other as the friends they wish to be. What are your thoughts on the episode? Leave a comment below and visit our Facebook Page to join the conversation.

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