Weightloss: Keep Pushing

Ok, so last week, me and my big mouth decided to post on social media my goal for losing FIVE pounds in a week.  Well…in all honesty, when I posted it, I really had all intentions of seriously putting in work (exercise) to get it off.  I’ve been following the low-carb lifestyle for a while now and I’m at a consistent weight of 146.  I am still 9lbs off from my goal weight of 137.  I know that getting in some exercise weekly would definitely help me shed those last few pounds and also kick-start a better physical lifestyle as well.  When I put the post out there, I had a slew of online friends who decided to take the challenge with me.  It was great and I was pumped!


Day one– I ate everything I should eat and that evening was planning to hit the gym for an hour of brisk walking.  My partner, Alton, wasn’t able to go with me that night and I don’t like going to the gym late at night alone.  So, I chalked it up and planned to try again tomorrow.  Day two– I woke up in a lot of pain.  Cramping had began to take hold, but it was dull and I thought I could push through it.  By the end of the day, I was in moderate pain, so I decided to chuck gym action this week and prepare for Mother Nature.  Day three– one of my friends asked me to take him to the airport…at 6am!!!  When I finally got home, all caution or thoughts of a diet were in the wind!  All I wanted was something salty, something sweet, and an ass load of Ibruprofen!  I stocked up on candy, cookies, and burgers.  By Day six, I was feeling better but the damage to my weightloss goal had been done.  I stepped on the scale Sunday morning expecting to see an increase, but amazingly enough…nothing!  I had been able to maintain my weight through mother nature’s visit, a carb splurge, and inactivity.

See also  I tried my hand at a homemade veggie burger, and here's what happened...

So here I am again, facing another week with the same goal.  5 pounds off this week!  The first step is admitting that if you do everything opposite of what you should to lose weight, then you won’t.  For me, honesty helps me keep pushing. What about you?  What keeps you going?  Check back next week to see if I succeed in reaching my 5 Off goal!

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