Upgrade Your Strategy: What cooking rice taught me about consistency

I suck at cooking rice.
I always mess it up.  It’s either too soupy or I burn the bottom and it’s stuck to the pan.  Oh, and then there are the times when it doesn’t come out tender.
But I noticed something…
As often as I fail at rice making…it doesn’t stop me from trying it again.

So I asked myself…why am I so bad at cooking rice?

#1… I don’t follow instructions

Yes, they put the instructions right on the bag. But I feel like, you should just be able to eyeball how much water and rice you need.

#2… I don’t like not just being able to do things. 

Which is why I don’t call myself a cook.  In my head, if it doesn’t just come to you naturally… It ain’t your calling. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Don’t ask me where I get that from… So why do I keep trying and failing over and over?


Because I keep approaching it the same way… Bullheaded. Such is life.  You can come for something as much and as consistently as you want, but if you don’t manage to acknowledge your weaknesses and change your strategy, you will continue to fail…consistently.

One day, I will successfully make a bowl of rice.  That will be the day I shake my pride, am open to learning, and follow the gosh darn directions! 🤦🏾‍♀️. Here’s the beautiful thing about that: Once you learn it, there won’t be any more failures (at least on the basic level).

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