Stephen A. Smith, Kandi Burruss, and Laura Berman ask ‘Would You Date You’?

There were many seminars and panels held during the 2014 Neighborhood Awards.  The highlight of the day was the panel moderated by Stephen A. Smith, and featuring Dr. Laura Berman and Kandi Burruss, entitled, “Would You Date You?”  It was a packed room in the Thomas Murphy Ballroom and the question of the day brought many women & men to their feet to comment.

The responses were varied, as Dr. Berman stated she was most definitely date her and Kandi defiantly stated that she would not.  Her reasons for not finding herself date-able were related to a growing issue that many women find themselves in as entrepreneurs, business women, or career focused individuals.  Not having the time to “cater” to your man in the way that society has them used to, can be a big hindrance to forming a lasting relationship.  I totally agree with Kandi and was happy to hear her honest opinion on the subject.

Here’s a clip of Kandi’s statement, let me know your thoughts below in comments:



Stephen A. Smith provided a happy dynamic with a male’s point of view that was also honest.  I actually found myself agreeing with him on most but not ALL that he had to say.  Later, on the blue carpet, I let him know that I didn’t agree with everything he said but that he’d made some really valid points.  To that, he of replied, “Of course, I don’t know any woman that will agree with everything a man has to say.”  LOL, he is funny…and true!

See also  Neighborhood Awards 2014 Blue Carpet- Yolanda Adams


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