Call Out

Stacey Abrams Declares “We’re Coming for You” in #SOTU Democratic Response

Tonight, during the Democratic Response, our sister, Stacey Abrams issued a call out to Trump and to Americans… “We’re coming for you.”  That statement carries a different meaning for its targets, so let’s break down what that is shall we?

In regards to Trump, when Stacey Abrams said, “We’re coming for you,” in ebonics, this means we’ve got your number and your time is almost up.  Think of Liam Neeson in any of the “Taken” films.

There was much that Trump errantly stated during his address and so many other terrible things he chose to leave out.  So in case he may have thought we all forgot about his foolishness, Abrams took the time to pinpoint just some of the “SOTU Address” worthy topics such as:

  1. The shutdown that left many hard-working Americans in the cold.

  2. Trump’s failure and inability to try to humanely handle immigrants at the border.

  3. Expanding healthcare to help those that really need it; even touching on the rarely talked about, skyrocketing mortality rates affecting Black Women!

  4. The need for her to have to create Fair Fight to advocate for voting rights, and let us not forget how she dropped this friendly reminder…

  5. Racism is still a prevalent issue that has not gone anywhere!

So, yeah… we’re coming for you! The [American] people will not continue to allow the nation to take a step back over the progress we’ve made thus far, in Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, and LGBTQ rights.

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We win together was a common theme in her response.  This idea of worrying about “make-believe” exterior threats instead of dealing with the domestic issues that are truly hurting the people.  Under this administration, so many people have felt left out in the cold alone.  And again, Stacey makes a declaration, “we are coming for you”, referring to the people.  Calling on them to hold on while the [Democratic] party makes their way to them.  Stacey Abrams has issued an impeccable call out to Democratic voters, independents, and potential voters.  2020 is very close and “we’re coming for you”.

Truly, Abrams was the correct choice for the Democratic Response.  We look forward to seeing what lies ahead for this thought leader.


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