Where You Should Be Spending Your Money: The Blonde Gazelle

Man, do the weeks seem to be flying by or what?  I’m sure some of you are thankful for the speedy work week and looking at me sideways, lol.  Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for the weekend.  It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for me to enlighten my sisters of just another place they should be spending those hard earned coins.  This week, I’m highlighting The Blonde Gazelle in Decatur, GA.


10257235_485643218204413_8370838300740248614_oThe Blonde Gazelle is a vintage boutique that specializes in funky, eclectic, and unique women’s wear and accessories.  I’ve been a customer of the boutique since it’s infancy on Etsy.  The fashion curator and owner, Zakiyyah Shahid, has been styling me for the red carpet since 2013.  She’s an amazing person and makes sure you feel at home in the cozy boutique.  She is sure to help you cultivate your own personal style with her items.  I love the fact that she doesn’t sit idly by and allow you to just browse the racks.  She gets involved by asking you about your style and offers suggestions of items she has that would fit you perfectly.  February marked The Blonde Gazelle’s first introduction on the Thrifting Atlanta Tour!

I always walk out of The Blonde Gazelle with something I know reflects my personal style.  You don’t have to fear being cookie-cutter here, because it is anything BUT!  If you are the type of person that wants to define your own personal style, express yourself through fashion, or just want to find those “unique” items… then this is the place for you.

See also  Where You Should Be Spending Your Money: Eat Pose Voyage

Be sure to visit The Blonde Gazelle at her Decatur location this weekend, and don’t miss her SIDEWALK SALE BLOWOUT, Saturday April 22nd!!  All items will be $5!  Yes, five bucks!  I will be there and I hope you meet me there as well.


The Blonde Gazelle
Fashion Curator & Owner, Zakiyyah Shahid (The Blonde Gazelle)

The Blonde Gazelle

4449 Covington Hwy

Decatur, GA 30035

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