Solange on Angry Black Women

Solange Knowles didn’t have a very pleasant experience when she attended a Kraftwerk concert on Friday night.

Knowles went to the concert in New Orleans, Louisiana with her husband, 11-year-old son and a friend of his.

After standing up to dance to Kraftwerk’s hit Machine, Knowles claims a group of white women told her to sit down. When she didn’t, they threw a lime wedge at her back.

The 30-year-old singer took to Twitter to express her rage about the whole experience, starting her series of tweets with “Let me tell you about why black girls/women are so angry”.

She had been enjoying a chance to “dance and enjoy a band I love.”

Statistically New Orleans has one of the largest African-American populations of US cities but Knowles said “we are four of about 20 black concert goers out 1500 here. Four out of maaaaybe 20 out of 1500.”

The younger sister of Beyonce said she shared her experience “so that maybe someone will understand, why many of us don’t feel safe in many white spaces … we don’t ‘bring the drama’ … fix yourself.”

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She became even angrier after people on Twitter questioned if it was really about race and more about the drama.

Despite being subject to such a deplorable act, Knowles continued having a good time posting a video of herself and her husband dancing and captioned it “Bye haters.”

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