New Year Resolution: A Good Steward

new-years-resolutions-2014It’s a new year and we are all preparing goals for this year.  In doing so, we have to also be reminded of the goals we set last year.  Did we achieve those things?  If so, be reminded of how you achieved them.  If not, let’s figure out why not and add it to this year’s list.  One thing I noticed during an evaluation of my goal list is that if we are faithful stewards over the things we currently have/possess, we will be greater stewards over the things we wish to achieve.

For example, let’s say your list includes the following:  fulfilling employment, new car, purchase a home, and marriage/better relationship.  The first thing you should do is begin to be a faithful steward of what you currently possess.

Employment:  Are you an obedient employee?  Do you have exceptional work ethic?  Do you complain or appreciate your job?

New Car:  Is your current vehicle clean?  Do you maintain it as you should?  Are you appreciative to have a mode of transportation?

Home:  How do you keep your apartment?  If you live with someone else, are you a good roommate, respectful of another’s space?  Do you pay your rent on time?  Are you diligent to creating a “home” atmosphere where you are?  Do you appreciate the fact that you have a roof over your head?

Relationship:  How do you treat others?  Do you love on your family, friends, strangers?  Do you show kindness to everyone?  If you didn’t know you, would you want to get to know you?  How is your relationship with God who loves you without reciprocation?  Do you talk with him and build a relationship of understanding?

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By simply becoming faithful stewards over what we currently possess, we open ourselves up to an appreciation that welcomes increase and abundance.  You will then see how easy it is to achieve those goals as they have already been laid out for us.  We have to get over our selfishness in order to see it’s been there all along.  Once we do this, we begin to feel accomplished and that confidence prompts us to attempt more without fear of failure.

Appreciation does so much for us.  It gives you the very peace and comfort that you so desperately pray for.  Let’s make 2014 a year of appreciation, not only of material things, but of others and our Father in Heaven that blesses us tremendously.  His charity is unceasing and most of all we should want to be good stewards of His love.  So this year, 2014, let’s resolve to be “Good Stewards” over all God has blessed us with.

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