Dressing Room 8

Where You Should Be Spending Your Money: Dressing Room 8

In Where You Should Be Spending Your Money, we showcase the various businesses available in our community that we can support to inspire you to cycle your very important and all-powerful black dollars amongst people that look like you and have YOU in mind.  This week, we feature Dressing Room 8.

Dressing Room
Natasha Nurse

IHTG:  Tell us a little about yourself (hometown, family life, etc.).

I grew up in Manhattan, New York. After attending Penn State University, I have been living on Long Island with my husband and our pets since I was 18 years old. Both of my parents are from Jamaica, so this meant that I had succeeded in life (no matter what). Seeing how hard my parents worked, I knew I needed to work hard, constantly learn, and be excited to continually expand my personal and professional network.

IHTG:  What motivated you to start this business?

As a lawyer by trade, I wanted to pursue entrepreneurship so that I could be creative and innovative without any limitations. If I was going to start a business it had to be about empowering women in their personal and professional lives with my coaching and consulting services. As I shared in The-M-Dash, life really helped push me in the direction of starting Dressing Room 8.

IHTG:  Tell us about your business (what product or service do you offer, your typical customer, etc.).

I help women find points of innovation and creativity missing in their personal or professional lives. I help women business owners and creatives reinvent their social media, marketing, and networking strategies. When it comes to my coaching services, I primarily help my clients develop organizational and planning skills to a strategic plan created for personal and professional success.  Additionally, I love going out into the community offering workshops and talks discussing topics I address on the blog and with my clients.

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IHTG:  How does your business give back to the community?

I am my business. So, I make sure that I give back or work on projects that benefit the community through my efforts with The League of Professionals or the work I do with Long Island Girl Talk.

IHTG:  What advice would you give to someone considering starting a business?

If you want to start a business, it is key to know why you are going down this path. Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. You have to be committed and patient as you go through the ups and downs of your hustle. My advice is as follows:

  • Follow Your Passion – If you are doing something you love then you will enjoy what you are doing instead of just chasing money.
  • Continually Build Your Network – Who is in your inner circle is very important. There is a reason why people are in your life. You want to grow your network to include people who help you continuously grow personally and professionally
  • Think Outside of the Box – Your business will grow. The business you start will be very different 6 or 12 months after you started. Be open and flexible to the changes necessary for you to succeed.
  • Learn from Your Successes and Mistakes – Corporations are constantly assessing how their company is doing. People need to be just as analytical and reflective. How did today go? How was yesterday? How will this week go? The goal is to keep assessing and adjusting as you go along your entrepreneurial path.
  • Selling is a Must – It is easy to get caught up in the service or product you have. But, are you selling it enough? A business that doesn’t sell enough is dead in the water. You have to sell, sell, sell, and sell some more (No Exceptions)
  • Never Underestimate the Press – So many entrepreneurs I speak with don’t prioritize connecting with the press and doing interviews to share their story and their business. If you are doing great work, why wouldn’t you want to share it? It is important not to drop the ball when it comes to sharing your business on a local, national, regional, and international scale.
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IHTG:  What is the best advice you’ve received since starting your business?

Probably, “Just Do It” (Thank You, Nike). This is advice that gets reiterated over and over again by various thought leaders that I admire and constantly listen to. If you want to do something, then you have to go out and actually do it. Yes, you need to strategize, plan, and work hard as hell. Plus, money usually helps. But, you have to have an unapologetic fearless attitude that you are going to go out and do what you set out to do.

You can learn more about Natasha and her services by visiting her on Facebook Uncovering The New U.

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