
Mom Creates Coloring Book in an Effort to Normalize Autism

Crystal Jordan is a native of Atlanta, Ga, where she attended Bauder College, studying apparel design. She’s also the owner of Amor Allure, an online women’s boutique. Her son, Zachariah was diagnosed with Autism at 2 years old.


As is the case in the Black community, we do not talk about a lot of issues, particularly, special needs. And with that, Crystal found an even harder time finding representation of black faces with autism in books or toys for her son. What did this Mom do? She created a brand centered around her son’s disorder called, “Zachariah’s World,” where children with ASD are not forgotten but embraced. From that, “Just As I Am” was born. It is a coloring book to raise Autism Awareness.

“My son my is the inspiration behind my Autism cause and mission as I feel that the black community does not see us enough in books about this disorder and I haven’t found a coloring book that features a black child.”

Crystal Jordan

This mom on a mission, shares that she wrote the book to educate people in her community and the world about ASD. She is transparent about Zachariah and their story to help others who are afraid or ashamed to talk about theirs. She has become an advocate for awareness about Autism and plans to continue being a voice.

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