5-Minute Face

Makeup Palooza1

Hello ladies,

I know a lot of you are business women and you’re always on the go. So you don’t really have time to make your face look like you want it to. Today I was inspired to do a little 5- minute make up routine that I just love.

Now of course you start off with a very clean face. Make sure all the dirt or make up from the day before is all cleared up. Next what I did and what I always do is to make sure my face is moisturized. You don’t want to have make up on and your face is ashy. You’ll probably look like a a painter’s unfinished canvas. We don’t want that so you must make sure your face is moisturized.

I personally don’t use foundation, but if you use foundation that would be the first thing that you would put on. After blending that on

your face we move on to the eyes.  For my eyes I used more natural colors that match and accent my skin

tone. I used Covergirl EyeEnhancers Fard accent. For my eye lid I took my pointy brush and used it in the shimmery brown and dabbed it all over my brow. Then I took my round brush and used the darkest brown in the compact and applied it to my crease. And for underneath my eyebrows I used Mary Kay Bronze Diva Mineral Bronzing Powder and I took the lightest brown with my round brush and just lightly put it under my eyebrows.make up brush

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My eyebrows don’t have a tail so I have to draw one at the end of my eyebrow and I used a black soft type eye liner pencil and it works just fine for me. I also take that eyeliner and line the tops of my eyelid with it. I usually do a cat eye liner and sometimes I may do just a regular straight line.

Lips pic

Now for the lips. For the lips I did an Ombre effect. You can use whatever color lip liner and lip stick you want.The lipstick color that I used is Black Romance 5113 and I used a black lip liner to outline my lips and I go back on the sides and shade in. I take my angular brush and lay it flat against the lipstick and cover both sides of the brush and apply it to the center of my lips and I smack my lips together. If there I need to put more lipstick on the middle of my mouth I go back and reapply some and I always put a little Carmex on my lips so they won’t dry out. You can use any type of gloss so that your lips won’t dry and get crusty. It all depends on what type of lipstick that you have and that completes the 5-minute face look.

By: Alexis Allen


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