Let Me Take You High: Beauty Products With CBD

Let Me Take You High: Beauty Products With CBD

I’m sure at this point most of us have heard of almost everything being infused with CBD. Even if there’s not a deep comprehension of exactly what CBD is, I’m sure marijuana comes to mind when the topic is discussed. Well let me take you high and open your mind about beauty products with CBD.

Marijuana is the “IT GIRL” of our time. In the political space, productive conversations are being discussed about the legalization of marijuana and social justice warriors are advocating for the decriminalization for those serving sentences on weed convictions. The wellness community is finding ways for it to be safer while also being effective. The beauty industry has been mingling with marijuana as well, by incorporating cannabidiol (hemp-derived CBD), because of its healing fats properties and other benefits that it offers.

What is CBD? CBD or cannabidiol is a compound of cannabis, sourced from hemp and only has trace amounts of THC. Translation: Girl, you are not going to be high if CBD is in your beauty products.

Studies have revealed CBD to have an abundance of benefits for beauty. Think about this, hydration, skin tightening and prevention from environmental stressors, all because of the healing fats (Omega-6 fatty acid and Omega 3) that exist in CBD oil.  Individuals suffering  from acne will find potential relief with CBD oil beauty products because it regulates overactive oil production causing less breakouts.

Are you convinced yet? Here are a few CBD beauty products to try.

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Imania Beauty – Youtuber Imani Nia’s multi–purpose hemp oil – Beauty starts at the roots!

Hollingsworth Hemp Company is a family owned and operated hemp farm that produces the highest quality and most unique hemp goods.

NOIREBUD – according to their website is a product line that has been tried and true to helping people with ebbs and flows of life.

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