Is Your Job Killing You… and you’re letting it?!

Every Monday, millions of people wake up bright and early to start their work week. On average, they will 10 hours of their day to their jobs. Not to mention, the commute to and from can tack on an additional 2-4 hours. Because of this, many people suffer from “Sunday Anxiety”, a condition that causes severe dread and depression at the thought that the weekend is over. Lucky for you, today is National Leave Work Early Day.

Leaving work early is a small step in freeing yourself from the chains of “career life”. And if your boss asks, you can tell them it’s a nationally recognized day, so there. Remember, this is just a start to “Career Self Care”. There are other things you can do to avoid the indomitable feeling that you’re wasting away in that cubicle. Meditation, scheduling days off or “Me Days”, and taking advantage of those vacation days are all ways to break away from the mundane reality of work life.

Will you be leaving work early today? We’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment below.

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