intimacy, broader definition

Intimacy: What is it?

When is the last time that you….?

Gessie, Author

I know what you are thinking but when was the last time you really were seen, caught, able to shine in your fullness… where you could relinquish control and allow yourself to finally be vulnerable, authentic, and just you? When was the last time? When did you last get undressed by the nakedness of the truth and allow yourself to be enveloped in an embrace? Well, what is intimacy, do you ask? Intimacy, strange to believe, is NOT exclusive to a romantic partner. Intimacy, rather, with another is about having someone else that you can be broken in front of and it be okay.

Collectively as a society, we spend so much time either thinking about doing it or actually doing it then we do 🙂 giving the powerful word more than the narrow definition we have given it. Intimacy is a word purposed for so much more. In this article we are together going to explore its real purpose and definition.

Surrendering to Intimacy

When we are able to in someone else relinquish control that is when true surrender happens. To be okay with saying, “I surrender” is at times more powerful than an, “I love you”.

Falling is an act of intimacy

Do we ever wonder how we become so welcoming to the possibility that we could be falling when it once was a terrifying idea to fall in deep emotion, connection, alignment let alone love with ourselves let alone someone else?

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Finding an act of intimate discovery

Takes place when we find and continue to find ourselves by being in relationship with the one who knows the better and the not so better parts of us.


When our trust, our will to remain open and to feel alive is renewed we are in turn regenerated.


When we are being loved openly we are reinforced by what we already know to be true about ourselves.

Let us challenge ourselves and one another to discover what it feels like to fall, to feel deeply and openly. There may be someone who is ready to uncover what we fearfully are pushing through to feel.

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2 thoughts on “Intimacy: What is it?”

  1. I love the emotions pulled from this write up! The concepts of leaning into vulnerability to evolve intimacy , it’s so beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Nice piece but why does intimacy have to be with an “exclusive partner?” Why can’t intimacy be that exploratory phase with someone new the holding hands sharing laughter with someone during a date? I understand your perspective, however, I feel that we far too often place some emphasis on the fantasy aspect and the poetry of what is truly prose and create this narrative of what should be but constantly fall short of it. Why should I seek to be vulnerable? We often hear terms of surrender etc. I choose to fight for myself and others. I know you piece is meant to empower love of self and allow for deep connections. I’m just sharing that it isn’t always flowery and the inner turmoil deeper than surface scars the public sees. So it is important in my opinion to embrace that battle and be willing fight and recognize when fight is over. Intimacy as divided into the four categories of Sexual, Emotional, Intellectual and Experiential. Intimacy is built and areas like have intellectual intimacy are just important. I love having a healthy debate with my other half regardless of which side is chosen and to see compassion given to someone else. We all have barriers to which one must breakthrough to achieve that intimacy and for me that isn’t a vulnerability it is comforting. Just thought I’d share my thoughts in hope to promote more dialogue.


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