In Where You Should Be Spending Your Money, we showcase the various businesses available in our community that we can support to inspire you to cycle your very important and all-powerful black dollars amongst people that look like you and have YOU in mind. This week, we feature Heart Armor.
IHTG: Tell us a little about yourself (hometown, family life, etc.).

My name is Stephanie Cook, I was born and raised in York, Pa, and as a teenager, I moved to Baltimore, MD, where I currently resided. I am a mother to two children (boy and girl) and a wife. I enjoy working out and spending time with my loved ones. I am always trying to make others smile and laugh. I just enjoy life to the fullest.
IHTG: What motivated you to start this business?
What motivated me to start my business is my son. My son Malik was born with Congenital Heart Defects and at the age of 1, he had open heart surgery. To cope with my journey of CHD I wanted to raise awareness and have a brand that represents him. Heart Armor has given me the strength because we still fight in this journey.
IHTG: Tell us about your business (what product or service do you offer, your typical customer, etc.).
Heart Armor is an apparel line in honor of my son. We have t-shirts, sweaters, phone cases, pillows you name it representing my brand. Majority of my customers are those who have loved ones with CHD or just wanting to support Malik.
IHTG: How does your business give back to the community?
My business gives back by donating some of the profits to a local Heart foundation to help other Heart parents out there suffering and cannot afford the expenses of surgery. We also plan to start a Heart Walk the week of CHD in February to spread awareness.
IHTG: What advice would you give to someone considering starting a business?
The advice I would give someone is to never doubt yourself. Everyone won’t believe in your brand but that is perfectly fine. God will provide and bring people in your corner who will support you. If you don’t leap you will never sorrow and learn. Go after your dreams!
IHTG: What is the best advice you’ve received since starting your business?
The best advice I received so far is to stay encouraged. Many have told me they believe in me and that when you have individuals who believe in you to keep grinding and shining. I am thankful to those who have supported me through this business journey. Some days I question it but then my peers give me the advice of continuing to spread awareness because people need to hear our story.