Gracia Collins Rich

Gracia Collins Rich: Using Writing to Birth Purpose Through Pain

1. Tell us about your journey into writing and how you use your work to propel women forward:

Gracia Collins Rich:

Writing has always been a part of me.  It has been my method of communicating my feelings ever since childhood.  I was a very shy child and writing was my way of expression.  I use my writing to propel women forward by writing about issues that women relate to. Being a woman is a very powerful thing.  It requires an unlimited level of strength, but with that being said, many women go through things that are designed to break them.  Through my writing, I try to let women know that they are not alone in the trauma or in the recovery process that follows.  We all go through something.  It’s inevitable, but sometimes the strength of others helps you find the strength in yourself.  I want my writing to help you find it. 

2.  Do you have a motivational quote or affirmation that you’ve found of significant inspiration during your journey?

For me, my inspiration comes from Scripture.  I have two favorites.  The first is “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9) and the second is, “Do not be overcome with evil, overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). I love these because many times we are afraid of the unknown and it hinders us from making better choices for ourselves and we have to move beyond fear.  Also, it is very easy these days to fall into revenge based on what is happening around us, but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself “will anything good come from this?” The truth is no.  The right thing is always the best thing, even when it hurts. 

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3.  What inspired you to start the Broken Dolls initiative?

I was inspired to start the Broken Dolls Initiative by my own life experiences. In writing a book about my life, I thought about how could I turn this into something more, something that could help people in a more concrete way.  I am a survivor of sexual and physical abuse. I was a teen unwed mother. I am also a mother who has lost a child, and a divorcee after a 20-year marriage. All of these are very traumatic experiences.  The Broken Dolls Initiative was created for women who have SURVIVED, be it what ever trauma.  When I was raped, I was a teenage virgin who could not confide in anyone about what had happened to me.  The fear and shame that I experienced in that one situation severely altered the way I saw the world we live in and sadly, myself.  Trauma is very damaging whenever and however you experience it.  I lost a little of myself with each trauma and I feel that many women experience that same thing.  It is very hard to come back from, but you can. I want women to know that they can not only survive, but go on to lead healthy, purpose-filled lives.  I know they can because I did.  The Broken Dolls Initiative is designed to help them on their journey to healing. 

4. Where do you see yourself and brand in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years, I see myself and my brand growing exponentially.  I have books and workshops planned and I most definitely plan to come to several cities to reach out to women who may feel that they have been forgotten.  In 5 years, this will be a movement and women will from all over the globe will learn that there is purpose in pain even when we can’t see it.  And through this purpose we will be able to heal and save women who have already counted themselves out.  And this will only be the beginning. 

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5. How can readers connect with you online and support your efforts?

Readers can find me at my website, on Facebook at Gracia Collins Rich and on IG @beautifullynaturalgeek. 

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