Grace Jones Memoir ‘I’ll Never Write My Memoirs’

The above cover art and a release date for the anticipated Grace Jones memoir has been announced.

Gallery Books revealed Tuesday that the publication, titled “I’ll Never Write My Memoirs,” will hit stores on Sept. 29, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Grace-JonesIn an earlier statement announcing the book, the model/actress/singer’s explained the title, “I wrote a song called Art Groupie. First line said ‘I’ll never write my memoirs’ — that was a long time ago. Since then, I thought, if I don’t do it, somebody else will.”

Grace-Jones-6The Jamaican-born Jones came to the U.S. as a teenager and signed to work as a model at seventeen. She modeled in Paris for Yves Saint-Lauren, roomed with Jerry Hall and had sleepovers with Jessica Lange.

She returned to New York, released three disco albums, collaborated with Andy Warhol and became a Studio 54 fixture.

Jones had a third career as an actress, appearing in Conan the Destroyer (with Arnold Schwarzenegger), “A View to a Kill,” Roger Moore’s last James Bond film…and, of course, as Strangé in “Boomerang.”

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