web of success

Five Keys to Craft Your Web of Success

I don’t like bugs.  However, I have a certain respect for spiders and ants.  Why?  Because they stay in their lane, and mind their own business.  And there’s a lot we can learn from our teeny tiny co-existents.  They are usually out of sight, as not to bother me.  In this week’s podcast episode, I share with you the 5 steps to crafting your web of success.  All learned from studying a spider.  Be sure to listen to the end, for the bonus, 6th key to success.

Web of Success Show Notes:

00:00-10:00 Spiders produce an intricate and elaborate web design, seemingly hanging in the sky. After the work is done, she sits and waits. I don’t chase, I attract.

11:00– Different types of silk for different conditions. Based upon your end goal and your current situation, you may need to utilize different skills, levels of energy, and possibly different friends to get there.

12:20- Spiders use the wind to connect the silk. Tough conditions can actually be used to connect you to your goal. It’s all about how you are using the winds in your life.

15:44- The spider isn’t taught how to craft such amazing webs. It’s an innate ability. You too have an innate ability. What is that thing that you were just purposed to do? Find it and utilize it. It is more than a job description.

19:15- The spider makes a new web daily. It’s unsafe to be complacent, don’t be afraid to find new terrains. Same work, different area.

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24:00- Bonus Key: You can build anywhere. The spider builds a new web, not attempting to rebuild the web she recently built. Each web is unique to the situation. This is how your web of success should be constructed.

Hear the entire episode below and join the conversation on our YouTube Channel, FaceBook, or Instagram!

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