Erica Campbell gets real about sexuality!

Courtesy of Madame Noire
On Warryn’s new church, California Worship Center:In addition to promoting her new album, Help 2.0, Erica Campbell has also been quite busy assisting her husband with the launch of his new church The California Worship Center and promoting her More Than Pretty female empowerment movement, which partially focuses on female sexuality in Christianity. During a recent interview with C-Nikky, the Grammy Award-winning singer opened up about her new endeavors and personal experiences as a young woman raised in the church.

“We have started a church called The California Worship Center that is in North Hollywood, California. We’ve actually been having a Bible study on Friday nights since 2013 and it was amazing. I think our very first Bible study we had 70 people and it just kept growing. God just kept giving Warryn this incredible revelation on His word and knowledge and understanding.”

On her More Than Pretty Movement:

“More Than Pretty was created to start a dialog about Christianity and sexuality. A lot of things, we don’t address in the church. Growing up in church I was taught, don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it. [They gave the scripture] touch not, taste not, handle not. But the moment you get married, you’re supposed to understand everything. But where do I get this information from? I’m sure the old school people are like, ‘Oh girl, you’ll figure it out.’ But what people figure out is intercourse, not interconnection. They figure out sex, but not the intimacy or the heart-to-heart tie that you’re supposed to have.”

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On sex before marriage:

“I’ve had a lot of heartbreak; I’ve made some wrong decisions. I wish I could say that I was a virgin when I got married, but I was not.”

On addressing social media addiction through More Than Pretty:

“Everything is based on likes. And depending on how many ‘likes’ I get will determine how much I like myself. We’re obsessed with going [through the phone] ‘Oh how many? Oh, I only got this many [likes] on this picture. Oh, she got a lot when she posted her behind, maybe I’ll post mine. Oh, she gets a lot when she posts her titties, maybe I’ll post mine.’ We’re so torn and caught up in this circle and we’re not getting anywhere! So, I want to talk about it. I want to be real honest and candid and talk about it.”

Check out a clip from Erica’s interview below.

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