Easy DIY’s for the not-so-crafty Queens

I’m not the craftiest chick in the field. I can admit that. However, I do not back down from a challenge. I’m also confident enough in my brain capacity that I feel I can figure most things out. The issue is… I don’t have time for it. Well… time is something we all have on our hands lately. This quarantine moment has me thinking of all types of activities from my handy dandy Pinterest account. Here are a few of my latest DIY creations. I promise, they are easy peasy.

1. 2-Ingredient Carpet Deodorizer

Today, I decided to vacuum my bedroom space and do some bathroom cleaning. Immediately, I recognized I was out of carpet deodorizer. I’m a big scentsy person. And if we’re going to be cooped up in our homes for God knows how long, it had better smell pleasant. Luckily, this DIY only requires two ingredients: baking soda and the essential oil of your choosing. Fill half bottle or shaker with baking soda, pour in 7-10 drops of essential oil (I used Lemongrass and Tea Tree). Lemongrass is a great deterrent for spiders and other insects. Tea Tree is a great antibacterial. Then top with more baking soda to fill. You can add 7 more drops (totaling about 14-20 drops of essential oils) of oils. Shake and let the mixture sit for 24 hours. This will allow the essential oils to absorb into the baking soda. FRESH!

Foaming Shower Body Wash

This is something I’ve made before, but I ran out after using it for a hand wash too. It only requires 4 ingredients. The base is Dr. Bronner’s Castille Soap. I use the Eucalyptus Liquid. Find an empty foam bottle and add the following: 4 tbsp Dr. Bronner’s, 2 tbsp of oil (I used Peppermint Oil), 20 drops of Tea Tree Essential oil, and fill with water. This makes a nice foam that lathers and kills bacteria and it’s non-drying!

DIY Faux-Breeze

While freshening up my head scarves, I decided to make my own “Fauxbreeze” to keep them smelling fresh from the wash. Again, I turned to this simple three ingredient recipe to create a delicious scent in less than 5 minutes! All you will need is a tablespoon of baking soda, essential oil or blend of your choosing (10 drops), and fill your spray bottle with water. Seriously, that is IT! Add the oil to the baking soda and mix it well. Then pour the mixture into a spray bottle and fill with water. Shake & spray away love!

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What are some of things you’re DIY’ing? Drop us a note on Pinterest or our FB Page.

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