Connect the dots correlation between food and your skin

Connect The Dots: Correlation Between Food and Your Skin

That cluster of breakout on your forehead told me you had a burger boo!! The real reason why your beauty products aren’t working could be because of the food you’re eating. Let’s connect the dots and discuss the correlation between food and your skin so you can get the results you actually want.

Sugar is aging you sis. Scientifically-ish speaking, the process of glycation, i.e “the sugars”, as the elders say, is a molecule that metaphorically snatches your youth breaking down collagen that you need to maintain your youthful glow. If you start to notice wrinkles, cut down on refined sugar. Yes love, that means soda, candy, chocolate, all the obvious sugar-packed snacks. Also make sure you’re checking the labels of “healthy foods” because some of those have high amounts of cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup which isn’t the best either.

Y’all are not going to want to hear this but the vegetarian fanatics are right, meat can be horrible for your skin. Red meat in particular can cause inflammation in the body because of the cholesterol and saturated fat. This inflammation can cause your skin to appear dull.

While you’re cutting out sugar and meat, let me suggest that you put those muffins and that pizza back too. Alexa play Back Stabbers by The O’Jays. Carbs are the “friend” that likes your pictures on social media but talks about your clothes to her friends. With carbs it’s all about the health of your gut and because carbs triggers the wrong type of gut bacteria this can lead to acne. Because of this it might be a good idea to take probiotic supplement if you’re going to continue to consume carbs.

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Listen, don’t shoot the messenger, I just wanted to connect the dots and discuss the correlation between food and your skin so you can get the results you actually want. I can give you a list of beauty products that will put a band-aid on your skin issues but just remember when it comes to skin care it’s an inside job so SET IT OFF boo.

As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!

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