Cicely Tyson

Cicely Tyson: A Life of Highest Vibration & How You Can Achieve It

Cicely Tyson, pioneering and iconic actress, dies at 96. That is what the headlines read. My friends father calls and gives the news that Cicely has passed. The litany of accolades begin: Emmy & Tony Award winner, Medal of Freedom recipient, etc. A career that spans more than 60 years with so many impactful performances.

“Whatever good I have accomplished as an actress I believe came in direct proportion to my efforts to portray black women who have made positive contributions to my heritage.” ~ Cicely Tyson

The first of December 2020, I embarked on a journey to higher consciousness. I decided to make a conscious and consistent investment into my personal development as a being. I was seeking to find the highest potential of my existence. 2020 had really given us a serious wake-up call to the fragility of life and more so, how we experience life. With that, I wanted to ensure that I was living and experiencing life at the highest vibrational existence possible. If we are only here for what seems like a blink of the eye, wouldn’t I want to make the most of that blink?

Cicely Tyson

The journey has been and still is an ever learning one in which I am constantly evolving in the depths of my own understanding. Ok, how does this relate to Cicely Tyson? When I heard about her passing, I felt something. The new perspective consciousness has taught me allows me to see her Spirit, her Highest Self in its totality. I cried. But it wasn’t out of sadness, no. Instead it was the joy of seeing a life lived at its Highest Potential. Cicely Tyson operated in her highest vibration throughout her life! I watched her MasterClass again, and just hearing her voice reverberate through the speakers as she shared story after story of following her inner voice/intuition and living her life in its fullness until there is no more reason to sojourn here. Her Spirit has moved on, because her Spirit’s work is done.

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This! This is what caused my Spirit to leap. We need to be used to the very last drop. After recollecting over the life of this amazing woman, hearing her speak, and spending time with Self, I realized that seeing someone operate in that way [Highest Self] activates my own Spirit that yearns to do the same. That is the energy I am feeling. Knowing that I was in the lifetime of another Spirit, but one that knew it was Spirit. That empowers me on this journey to experience the same. And based on my response, I’ve awakened Spirit. My awareness will not allow Spirit to be muzzled any longer and I thank Cicely for giving me evidence of which I am ascending to.

Cicely Tyson on “Divine Guidance”

I am celebrating the life of this great Spirit. The life that keeps on giving and lives on into perpetuity. Fittingly, Tyson released her memoir just days ago (January 26th). You can purchase “Just As I Am” here. What life lessons will you take from Cicely Tyson?

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