celebrate black women..thats a complete sentence

CELEBRATE BLACK WOMEN…. That’s a complete sentence!!!

As we take a moment to recognize the historical efforts made by women during Women’s History Month in March, we must be sure to highlight the trailblazing strides made by Black women in the beauty space. Black beauty has been silenced, objectified, scrutinized, limited and disregarded in the past and unfortunately in modern times as well. As black women reclaim the narrative of our beauty we see an abundance of beauty brands emerging and lobbying for our interest is at the forefront of their mission. CELEBRATE BLACK WOMEN…. that’s a complete sentence!!!

Here are a few black women founders and leaders of beauty brands that are worth celebrating.

Ask The Ancient – Founded by actress, producer & philanthropist Nikki LaShae with the purpose of good intentions. Hand-crafted with love, these over-all body wellness care products were created to hold integrity and are sourced from the highest grade of plants. Ask The Ancient’s products include coffee blends, supplements, bath blends, herbal smoke blends and organic body and scrub sets.

4C Only –  “You deserve space to express yourself, from the roots out.” For the woman who has been marginalized, from others and even in her own community, 4C Only is the company for us. Shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner and styling cream is their four step hair routine system designed to quench your kinks and hydrate your crown that defies gravity and ascends to the heavens.

Rajni Jacques’ partnership with NYFW and Visa– Finally an all black beauty box!!! The song Brown Skin Girl by Beyoncé is on a continuous loop in my mind as I marvel at the beautiful blackness in this box. In an effort to support Black-owned businesses during this global pandemic, each of these companies received a grant from NYFW & Visa. Rajni, fashion director of magazines Teen Vogue and Allure, personally selected products by these black female founders (Karen Young of Oui The People, Imelda Bell of La Bel, Mimi Quiquine of Maison Quiquine, and Alicia Scott of Range Beauty). The products in the box are Oui the People (Featherweight Hydrating Body Gloss), La Bel (Lip Scrub & Lip Oil), Maison Quiquine (Truth Serum Face Oil) and Range Beauty (Bali Full Body Glow). The NYFW beauty box valued at $136 is now only $40.

See also  Black Music Honors Highlights Influential Artists to Black Culture

Happy Women’s History Month. As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!

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