Black Stylish Women

Blackity, Black, BLACK Stylish Women in the White House!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been PROUD of my blackness. As a biracial little girl, I can remember loving my blackness. I’ve ALWAYS had black PRIDE.

As I got older and experienced white America more as an adult, it made me even more proud. And listen, if you want to be brutally honest there are 2 things that I’ve noticed with American society, if you are biracial – society will force you to be recognized as black, and white America wants to be like us, whether they want to admit it or not. Especially the way we dress.

I’m not a huge vocal person (publicly anyway) when it comes to politics. But when it comes to style… I’m a megaphone. ‘

Our current Vice President, Kamala Harris, and former First Lady, Michelle Obama, are still trending from what they wore for the 2021 Inauguration. They brought black designers to the White House, once again. And now we can add Stacey Plaskett to the conversation. These Black stylish women are bringing the “culture” to the White House.

Here are a few ways you can achieve each of these looks, affordably.

Here are 3 ways to get a similar look as our Vice President, that are affordable and where you can still be true to YOUR STYLE!

Black stylish women
VP of USA, Kamala Harris

Our former First Lady, Michelle Obama, never disappoints us either. Also wearing Sergio Hudson during the 2021 Inauguration.

Black Stylish Women
Our Forever FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, wore SC Designer, Sergio Hudson.
Black Stylish Women
Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett

Sis, please don’t get it twisted, you can have style on any budget and with anything in your wardrobe. Let me help you because “Your Style Should Talk Shit”. Show the world how that we are black stylish women.

See also  #DareToGoNaked Mental Health Awareness Campaign

To purchase items from any of these inspired looks please visit my storefront on Amazon.

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