Benefits of Massaging Your Scalp With Oil

Do you massage or oil your scalp regularly?


Turns out, this practice done every other day or so for just a couple of minutes can provide a number of benefits to the scalp and overall health in general. According to Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, giving yourself a scalp massage with oil will:

  • increase blood flow to the hair follicles
  • condition the scalp
  • strengthen the roots
  • reduce stress
If you would rather “knead” your scalp than rub it, you are still doing yourself a favor. This will help open up your blood vessels and increase the blood flow in your scalp. Increased blood flow makes for easier and upped nutrient intake, and hair follicles need a proper amount of nutrients to grow and thrive. When done regularly, you should notice longer, stronger hair because of this practice.

Rubbing your scalp will reduce stress levels. When the stress hormones in your body are reduced, your body is allowed to function more efficiently–providing the nutrients to your scalp that it needs to grow healthier, stronger hair quicker.

How to do it

Knead and rub to apply pressure to the scalp–do NOT scratch the oil into the scalp (that may cause an infection due to the bacteria underneath your fingernails). Use the pads of your fingers in a circular motion to do this.

Apply oil in a dropper either directly to the scalp and massage with your fingers, or rub some oil onto your fingers first, then massage the scalp.

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