At home DIY beauty Hacks

At Home DIY Beauty Hacks

Look at you, yeah you, you just had to have that king-size Symphony bar, didn’t you? Now you’re freaking out because that pimple’s so huge you could probably claim it on your taxes as a dependent. So much for that zoom date, you scheduled in three days. Well wait one second, before you cancel, let me help you with a few at-home DIY beauty hacks. Did you know some household items you already have in your home could help you with minor beauty issues?


Acne is painful and embarrassing. If you can’t get to your demonologist or you’re just looking for a more natural cure for acne, look in your pantry.  Cinnamon, cloves, and honey mixed together and applied for 3 days will reduce acne and acne scars.

Organic lemon juice helps to lighten dark spots and can reduce acne as well. If the organic lemon juice is too strong then dilute it with a little water. Put on to a cotton round and dab on the area of trauma.


Looking to lighten your underarms? The next DIY home beauty hack is a little tip I picked up from Youtuber BeautifulBrwnBabyDol. In this video, she explains her ways of achieving lighter underarms. Well, look no further than the bag of potatoes you have on the counter. Take a potato slice, rub it under your arm, and allow it to sit for 10-20 minutes, and then rinse off. The potato is a natural bleaching agent the can reduce discoloration under your arms. Also, a mixture of chickpea powder, turmeric & lemon as a paste can be applied to the armpit area. Let the paste sit for 30 minutes and rinse off. A lot of women experience discoloration in the thigh area.  Organic lemon juice and organic coconut oil help with hyperpigmentation. This video has a host of at-home ingredients that can help.

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Facial Hair

Chile, are you as tired of your facial hair as I a?. Often times our method of removing facial hair for black people can contribute to more skin issues such as ingrown hair. Here’s a method that can permanently remove facial hair. Mixing gelatin, raw milk, honey, and turmeric together and applying as a face mask. Now, how’s that for at-home DIY beauty hacks?!

Under Eye Puffiness

Nothing will kill your selfie game faster than Erykah Badu’s bag lady settling under your eyes. Don’t get caught out here sis carrying that luggage. Coffee and extra virgin coconut oil help to removed those bags and dark circles from gathering under your eyes.

Enjoy these at-home DIY beauty hacks. And share any I may have missed in the comments below. As always, be kind, be safe and stay beautiful!!!

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