Artist, Jonathan McReynolds, Takes #ihateithere to New Heights

Undoubtedly, you’ve seen #ihateithere on someone’s social media post caption. The hashtag refers to a growing sense of frustration with members of our society and the changing times. Even Snicker’s has gotten in on the angst with their recent commercials. They figure the answer to the world’s problems and pettiness is to feed it a snicker bar.

Stellar & Grammy Award Winning artist, Jonathan McReynolds decided to take the pain, frustration, and aggravation many of us are feeling and put it into song. His release, “People” outlines everything we abhor about our neighbors but at the same time he shines a light on the truth of us being just as responsible for the ills of the world as the very people we disgust.

It’s an insightful and introspective look at the world we live in. It really makes you rethink the #ihateithere idea and forces you to consider your place in it. And he does it all from a place of transparency, accountability, and meekness, Check out the video below and let me know your thoughts.

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