It’s April 2021. We’ve been “quarantining” for a full year now. I’ll be the first to say, I’m beyond ready to fly the coop. Prior to spring, I was set against getting the Covid vaccine shot. I told my friends that I wouldn’t be taking the shot UNLESS not taking it would interfere with my travel plans.
Vaccination Trauma
Like many in the black community, I had my concerns about the Covid vaccine shot. Why? A plethora of reasons. The most prevalent was my cultural hesitancy. One that is factually based on historically documented mistreatment and abuse for people of color.
I hear the judgmental tone from news anchors, scientists, and doctors. Yet, they all fail to speak the truth as to the root of this thinking. It’s easy to tell someone their exaggerating when you act oblivious to the actual trauma that contributed to their belief.
That thinking aside, I believe that every person of color should be able to make the decision for themselves. It’s a decision that needs to be thought out fully and researched. And not solely based on past betrayals of trust.
Are You Protected?
I’m a big science geek and lover of apocalyptic movies, shows, etc. I felt kinda prepared for this end of days scenario we lived through in 2020. Then, I was diagnosed with Covid. Although I was following all protocols and was inside all 2020, I got Covid. You can imagine how pissed I was. How’d I get it? One of my roommates. The roommate was being super safe as well. The friend she hung out with, wasn’t. Sadly, that meant that we’d both have to pay for the irresponsibility of her friend.
That is when I realized that it doesn’t matter if I followed all the rules. Just as in any apocalyptic movie, the biggest threat to survival, is others. If you live alone or plan on becoming a hermit with absolutely no contact with the outside world, then you really don’t need the covid vaccine shot. Otherwise, you need to protect yourself from “the others”. Those irresponsible people who just refuse to be careful in the world of Covid.
Getting the Covid Vaccine Shot
Because of this, I got the shot. Outside of a little soreness in my arm for a couple days, I’ve had no other reactions. My parents are already fully vaccinated. My siblings are all on board to get the vaccine as well because we want to return to our yearly Siblings Trip.

Honestly, as I sat there getting my shot, I felt a sense of pride. Here I was, being vaccinated from the biggest pandemic in 100 years, and it was designed by a Black woman. I smiled. I was proud.
There’s tons of information out there about the Covid-19 vaccine. Ultimately, I want you to do extensive research outside of your Facebook timeline. It’s best to be fully informed to make the best decision for yourself. That’s why I’m sharing my experience and how I thought it through. Whatever your decision, it is yours. I pray you stay safe, no matter what.
Will you be taking the covid vaccine shot? Why or why not? Sound off in the comments and on our Facebook Page here. No judgement either way.