
Living on the Precipice of Something Greater… 3 Things I Know For Sure

I recently celebrated my 39th birthday and as always, I take a moment to reflect on what my life has been so far.  I woke up Monday morning and thanked the Creator for seeing fit to allow me another year.  Immediately, I felt an increasing sense of honor.  I was on the precipice of something greater.

Ok, before you say I’m getting mad deep, this applies to each and every one of us.  There is an honor in another day.  Life is fleeting; it is not guaranteed.  One thing we can be sure of is that our days are numbered.  However, knowing that you were given just one more day to live ON purpose… That’s big to me.  My belief is that we all have a required purpose for our existence.  I believe that each day we are given the opportunity to fulfill that purpose.  So with that honor comes a great responsibility.  As I entered a “new year” of existence, I realized that I am on the precipice of something greater.  My journey, my experiences, my purpose of being is tied up in something greater than myself.  And the revelation of that idea has put me on an intentional path.

You!  You are on the precipice of something greater.  It’s funny because when I look back at my life, I see how all of the experiences fit together like an eclectic puzzle. I was being prepared for what is to come.  This brings me to the second thing I know for sure:  YOU are being prepared at this very moment for what you are purposed to do.  I don’t care what you think your life looks like right now.  That has no holding on who or what you were created to be.  I can honestly say, that I never expected my life to be what it is today.  Then I tried to think of what I expected it to be.  I laughed because I quickly realized that I had never actually “planned or expected” my life to be any particular way.  I was enjoying life as I experienced it, exercising the fullness of my gifts and talents.

See also  "The Art of Manifestation: How to Make it Work"

[ctt template=”8″ link=”28I8w” via=”yes” ]My journey, my experiences, my purpose of being is tied up in something greater than myself. – Kimberly “Isis” Thomas[/ctt]

My cousin gave me some awesome advice the night before my birthday.  She told me to enjoy 39.  She was so transparent in sharing that she spent so much time in year 39 focusing on year 40, that she completely let that year fly by without honoring it.  That leads me to the third thing I know for sure:  Every moment is sacred. It is up to you to get the most out of your life!  It is no one else’s responsibility.  I am choosing to enjoy my days rather than loathe them.  I purposely look for the silver lining.  Why?  Because the alternative is to be frustrated, aggravated, depressed, etc.  When each moment is sacred to you, why on earth would you choose to share those moments with negativity?

This is not something new that I’ve realized, but the message gets clearer and clearer as I grow older.  And I believe that 39 is an important year.  I am feeling sexier than ever.  I am truly a dope ass chick!  I am just loving all over this super fine 39-year young female! And guess what guys… you ain’t seen NOTHING yet!

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