656 Sports bar Grand Opening with Bo Talley & Friends

ce7e2d847b514cea8d6e90669ac366deThere’s a new sports bar in Atlanta!  It’s 656 Sports Bar & Grille.  Located on Pryor St. in downtown Atlanta, it is a bit off the beaten trail, but it is a great surprise!  The location is spacious and decked out with everything necessary to enjoy sporting events.  The bar is stocked, hookah is available, and the menu is bananas!  All at affordable prices!!  The atmosphere is urban contemporary and I am excited to kick off football season at 656!  My friend, Bo Talley was the host of the grand opening and of course, she invited a slew of her celebrity friends to join the kickoff!  We had a great time getting to know the owner, laugh it up with Bo Talley, and just enjoy a new business with promising possibilities!  Enjoy pics from the evening!



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