5 Things ‘Scandal’ Can Teach the Side Chick

This season of Scandal has been up in the air for me.  I’ve missed the live airings of some of the episodes, but thanks to my DVR, I’ve always been able to catch up the following day…or weekend.  Anyway, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the premise of this show is that a successful woman by the name of Olivia Pope, is Washington’s “fixer”.  She makes a living off of scandals…well actually, off of preventing scandals.  The ironic plot banger here, is that she is a walking talking scandal waiting to happen.  She’s in a long-standing intimate affair with the President…Fitz (what’s his last name?).

Season after season, we have watched her deal with her guilt and love for Fitz.  As viewers, we’ve been torn.  We are all big saps for a good love story, but can you really root for the Jezebel?  I mean, who wants her to win? She’s breaking up a home, stealing another woman’s man.  No matter how horribly certain seasons tried to paint Melly as; you still can’t deny that Olivia is a mistress, or in today’s terms… the “SIDE CHICK”.  Problem here, is that, Olivia has gotten so caught up in her romance with Fitz that she AND he begin to believe that she is the MAIN CHICK.  Well…there is much more to being Wifey and this past Thursday night, in Ep. 9 “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”; Olivia found that out!

Let me just tell you, I was overjoyed at the outcome of this episode.  I was standing up, in front of the screen, yelling, “That’s right!  You gon’ learn ta-day!”  Because as a former wife, there are things that the side chick needs to know.  You are doing harm.  And not just to the woman who’s man you take into your bed, but to yourself.  If you can’t tell by now, I am NOT #TeamOlivia but very much #TeamRespectASista!  There’s a code… a Woman’s Code.  Get your own damn man and don’t disrespect another woman!  Ok, now with that, let me give you the 5 Things ‘Scandal’ Can Teach the Side Chick:

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scandal_season5_olitz1.  The Honeymoon Will Soon Be Over- Yes, it was all good just a week ago, but living with a man means you see everything!  You get the good and the bad.  Another thing is you begin to lose that spontaneity you once had when you had your own damn place!




mellie-filibuster-scandal-square-w352  2.  ‘Wifey’ Is The Real MVP-  she’s great at multitasking. Not only does the she take care of her household she nurtures the kids, stands by her man, pacifies his guests, takes his snob remarks and unappreciative attitude,  all the while working towards her own goals.







CookieFace3.  You’re Nothing More Than A Trophy!-  You soon realize you are no longer a BOSS but the resident “Bakers Man’ responsible for snickerdoodles.  The freedom in having your own, as a single woman can be overlooked when you’re…ahem, single.  Being a “Wife” means a sacrifice of your time to now focus on someone else as you would yourself.  Don’t get me wrong, as stated above, a true WIFE knows how to balance it all.  Side Chicks, this is where y’all get it wrong…you think you can do the same 2-5 hour shuffle you were doing on the low, full time…no boo boo.  You need a full 24!!


10-burning-questions4.  The thrill is gone!- The thing that made the affair hot was the sneaking around, the missing one another throughout the day, the forbidden fruit, and his veracious appetite for you.  Well…it’s just as shallow as that.  There’s no real content, and when you’re around each other constantly and the danger wears off…where will it leave you?

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scandal-501-olitz-outed-45.  He will realize he left his 80 for 20.- At the end of the day, Wifey, will always be in his mind as the one that held it down.  She is the real “ride or die chick”.  When he realizes what he gave up for what he gained, you are in for a sad wake-up call.




Ok, so what do you all think?  Anything you would add or take away?  I’d love to read your comments!

1 thought on “5 Things ‘Scandal’ Can Teach the Side Chick”

  1. I agree with all these points. Men tend to treat the side chick as the main chick. Having them believe that they can share holidays, days of the week, etc. Then when the wife starts ignoring the situation or basically not being an emotional wreck behind it the husband gets nervous, wondering if she has moved on and now all of a sudden, he realizes what he had/has.

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