5 Reasons I’m loving Lil Mama’s “Sausage” Song!

Ok!!  Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, you have no doubt heard or heard about Lil Mama’s new single, “Sausage”!  When I first caught wind of the video release, I also saw a few detractors saying that it was garbage.  The good thing for me is that I don’t let other people’s opinions dictate my own.  I went straight to YouTube to check it out for myself.  On first listen, I was like…”O…K…”  But then it happened, the beat dropped and I sat up!  I was hooked after the first verse, cause shorty went from a Wu Tang to Fetty Wap flow in seconds! You’ve gotta give props where props are due and here are my 5 reasons, I’m LOVING this song right now!!lil-mama-sausage

1) The old school beat is super hype and never gets “old”.  It makes me wanna dance…when’s the last time a song made you wanna dance?

That sampled beat will NEVER get old!!  I’m hype thinking about it!

2) The song pays homage to hip-hop!

Have you seen the VIDEO?!  Have you heard the flow change?  She is literally shouting out hip-hop and the things we love about it in less than 4 minutes!

3) A message of safe sex is in the hook!

“…You better use a rubber if you taking that, SAUSAGE!”  Truer words have never been spoken.  And I am proud that a sista not only is free to talk about sex, but is real about the risks associated with it.

4) She’s not Nicki Minaj!

No shade to Nicki, but there are many more representations of black women in hip-hop than her!  I like variety, don’t you?

Related:  Read about more Female Artists

See also  Bey Giselle is Queen with "The Gift"

5) The video is SICK!

Lil Mama brings some crazy dancing to this video, my favorite part is when ol’ girl starts to Vogue on ’em!  That’s what hip-hop is about…FUN.  Don’t believe me…just watch and let me know what you think!

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