3 Ways to Make it Stick! Creating Healthy Habits

December is the final month of the year. Like many of you, there are some things that I’d like to become a habit BEFORE the new year. What better way than to challenge yourself to it NOW. It’s never too late to create healthy habits. By January, these things will be normal and you can move on to tackling something new. I’m sharing my new habits with you as a way to inspire and motivate you to start today!

Making The Bed Each Morning…

Successful people make their beds (or have them made) each morning. I’m successful, so why can’t I adopt this habit? This was a fairly easy habit to make because when your bed is made it sets the intention of order for your day. Making my bed each morning and getting dressed really put me into “focus” mode for my business. It really lowered anxiety and since I work from my home, I didn’t feel all cramped in my space. When you visually give yourself space, your creativity can freely flow.

The Early Bird Gets The Worm…

I got such a revelation one morning when I was awakened around 4 am. I could hear birds chirping away. My thought was, “wow, they really start their days early. But I guess you gotta get in early to get the best worms.” Think about it, birds don’t want for anything. They rise early every morning to go out and retrieve that which the Creator has provided for them. I’ve never seen an emaciated bird, I’m just saying. So, with this in mind, I decided I’d be waking at 5:30 am weekly. This has allowed me so much more time to meditate and actually strategize and prepare for my workday. The results? I’ve been more productive and effective with my work and my soul benefits fully from the moment of solace a Grand Rising provides.

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A Body In Motion Stays in Motion…

healthy habits

The sedentary life is real and it ain’t what you want. I am 41 and I have noticed that the majority of my days are spent in my office chair in front of a computer screen. Afterward, I simply move to my comfy bed! Like… I need to move yall. And these Pandemic 15 have teamed up with the Thanksgiving 15 causing my weight to increase in a mighty way. That’s reason #13267 as to why I decided to create a new healthy habit of at least 15 minutes of exercise each day. This has honestly been the hardest habit for me to create because I am such a couch potato. But, I pushed myself; took a virtual boot camp class, and YouTube workouts to make it a reality. It hasn’t become a 100% habit, but I’d give myself a strong 65%. Ya’ll pray for me!

What are some things you’d like to make a habit?

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