3 Top Apps I’m Using to Secure My Coin!

There was a time in my life when money came easily and I had plenty of it. I was young and dumb and didn’t really know about being fiscally responsible. Life hit me, I suffered from financial abuse and ultimately ended up penniless. Fast forward to today. I have taken steps to rebuild my financial life and be proactive on how to grow my money and make it work for me. A lot of sisters are head of households, yet our bank accounts are stretched to the max. If a check to check lifestyle is not what you wish to have for yourself, keep reading.

Growing your finances, investing, and making good money choices is actually pretty damn easy. It begins with confronting your financial status and taking one step towards changing it. So, here are the 3 apps that helped get me on the path to financial growth:

Check out our Finance Episode of The Dope Black Chick for easy finance tips!

Credit Karma: This app is the perfect way to confront your financial situation. It’s very easy and quickly will let you know what your credit score is along with providing recommendations to begin fixing it.

Acorns: I used this app to literally begin “soft investing” using the leftover change from my purchases. It’s easy to set up and invests your change by rounding up purchases to the next whole dollar. Simple, easy, and quickly invests into a portfolio based on your interests.

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Robinhood: This is my favorite app! You can actually purchase as little as ONE share of stock in whatever company you choose! That’s right, you pick your stocks with NO fees, NO need for an advisor or agent, NO withdrawal fees, NOTHING! Simply get started with a deposit of $100 or more and you’re off to the races. Here’s my bit of advice: invest in companies you use often.


That’s it gang.  Try these apps out and make that first move towards becoming financially responsible and growing a sense of security for yourself.  Let me know how it’s working for you, if you’ve used them before, or if there is one you’re using that I should know about.  Join the conversation on our FB Page.

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